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  1. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    :howler: My apologies :D
  2. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    I like this one :strong:
  3. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    Western European countries have a population with an average of 2 television sets per person ;) Furthermore, stuff like BBC, CNN, actually IS Western of course.
  4. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    That's because Lebanon isn't wealthy, isn't Western and above all, isn't of immense importance to the world's economy. London is the world's biggest financial market after New York. Add to that the emotional side of it all (London is the capital city of an ex-empire that spanned the entire...
  5. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    How IS Kurdistan coming along anyway? I don't have a lot of faith in our European governments but please tell me what they're doing is helping
  6. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

  7. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    I concur. Religions are useless. And this discussion about the British bringing these attacks upon themselves is driving me to the very edge of tolerance. The Dutch have traditionally always looked out over the seas and especially the Germans characterise us as a people who always keep their...
  8. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    cant be bothered, sorry :cap:
  9. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    I remember the Berlin wall coming down and watching it on the box. My brother (6 years younger than I) calls me a dinosaur for it. Little fvcker :D
  10. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    No good. I was born in 1983 - I had my prime in the '90s :D
  11. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    I'm just going to switch off BBC World for a minute and dream back to the 1990s when we still had hope for peace after the collapse of communism (am I the only one who misses it?). I just found a cd with the backstreet boys, janet jackson, touch and go, another level, the spice girls, 2...
  12. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    What I mean is that the terrorists would have sought to make the bombs go off within a small time window such as what happened yesterday in London and back in Madrid. If there's bombs left (which I doubt) then they obviously don't work.
  13. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    I think we would have found that out already by now, 24 hours later.
  14. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    Maybe they got subtitles too :D Could well be because the #33 didn't include the fatalities from the double decker bus yet and rumours had it that was packed because the subway system was already out of order at that time.
  15. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    Sure, why not? I can picture it. They can't have much of a life if they decide to blow themselves up can they? Bet you they have all sorts of nerdy games on their stolen taiwanese laptops :dielaugh: Thanks mate :D
  16. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    that bastard :( It means the same as those internet handshake thingies. You know, the ones that go: "You are 123 handshakes away from Cameron Diaz" :D
  17. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    But I don't fancy Zlatan :frown: OK this is pathetic now :D
  18. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    Personally, I despise the media for connecting the word 'terrorism' to 'islamic' They have nothing to do with each other ffs!
  19. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    Good point... Can you, Dan? :D
  20. Slagathor

    Explosions in London !

    Can't, he's 15 :D