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  1. Boksic

    Explosions in London !

    the difference is though, these terrorists have targetted innocent civilions. However, the British Army would target areas to kill or get closer to leaders such as Sadam Hussein. But i agree, both sides would see it diffrently and there are no winners in war.
  2. Boksic

    Explosions in London !

    obviously there are many innocent civilions caught up in war as there are never any winners. But, the US managed to free Iraq from the power of Sadam Hussein and other evil such as Chemical Ali. This can only be good in the long term despite seeming bad in the short term.
  3. Boksic

    Explosions in London !

    why are you complaining about US army freeing people in Iraq then?
  4. Boksic

    Explosions in London !

    bit of a difference, kid
  5. Boksic

    Explosions in London !

    ive been watching it on television and its terrible! and Dian for you to have such an attitude towards the attacks is disgusting. my friend and my other friend's mum could well have been caught up in the explosions. Have a bit of respect.