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  1. Majed

    Tacchinardi to villareal

    I've been good. Busy as hell, but good. :) Thanks man. yourself? Hope all's well.
  2. Majed

    Tacchinardi to villareal

    BTW, Didn't DJ Juve use to post that "You're a Homo" pic? or was it Josh? I do remember seeing it somewhere here.
  3. Majed

    Tacchinardi to villareal

    This is really sad. This was bound to happen, but I didn't think i'd feel it as much. Ferrara, Tacchinardi, and Montero out in one time in addition to Conte last summer. Emotional..Very emotional. Good luck to Tacchi! I'm pissed that he didn't even get a big mention (if at all) in the...