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  1. What do you do and where do you come from?

    I see russian propaganda is as good as ever :D
  2. What do you do and where do you come from?

    :LOL: :rofl:
  3. What do you do and where do you come from?

    Dont you mean plan? Say plan it'll make you less suspious :D
  4. What do you do and where do you come from?

    Liar :P Your only going to America to share Andy's bed :D
  5. What do you do and where do you come from?

    Well, most people know me by now but here goes... Born in Rome (however going there in a couple of weeks although nothing is certain) living in a very obsecure and unimportant part of the UK...I mostly go out and hang-out with my friends. And I'll come and tell you how the holiday was...