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  1. swag

    bwahahahaha, Poor Micco!!!

    Fiorentina deserved to go down. They only reason they didn't was because of an a priori rule, and an IMO arbitrary one at that, of tie-breaking mathematics fabricating a virtual playoff system of involved teams after the fact. Maybe the tie-breaker from now on should go to the team with the...
  2. swag

    bwahahahaha, Poor Micco!!!

    I didn't intend to characterize him as the Totti type. But this sort of underscores that Miccoli, while clearly a talent and I personally thought he was our best-effort forward in '03-'04, may think a little too highly of himself. It illustrates a real gap between what he thinks he is worth...
  3. swag

    bwahahahaha, Poor Micco!!!

    There's a saying that if everyone you meet you think is an $@#hole, chances are that it is you that is the $@#hole. Miccoli needs to start asking why it seems that every club he joins seems to betray him. It's getting to be an old routine with this guy.