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  1. Coda to Juventus

    have i said that hes ours?
  2. Coda to Juventus

    pellè is great
  3. Coda to Juventus

    Coda is off... Injured
  4. Coda to Juventus

    why does the commentator keeps saying that Coda is already at Juve? I don't think hes just making shit up. Keeps saying : ''Coda, playing previously year for Empoli were he made his breakthrough...''
  5. Coda to Juventus

    that guy pelle is realy dangerous.. not many chances but when he gets them hes realy dangerous
  6. Coda to Juventus

    yea lol both penalties were realy sucky...
  7. Coda to Juventus

    it is already
  8. Coda to Juventus

    Is he any good? I'm watching the game and he's like the defensive organisator but I don't know more about him
  9. Coda to Juventus

    I was just watching Morocco - Italy under 20 Suddenly they talked about Andrea Coda and about his former club. And then he said : ''Coda is playing at Empoli but is already sold to Juventus, so that means something...'' Anyone knew this? Hes a 20 year-old defender