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  1. peckface

    Sweden 6 - 0 Malta

    Na. Croatia - Sweden is still going to be a hell of a game though. ;)
  2. peckface

    Sweden 6 - 0 Malta

    The two best seconds goes directly to World Cup 2006. And the rest of the seconds got to play a playoff against each other.
  3. peckface

    Sweden 6 - 0 Malta

    Just to make one thing clear, he said that before the game. He did not exactly base that statement on this win. :D
  4. peckface

    Sweden 6 - 0 Malta

    A real fan and country man is suposed to. ;) Though I think the game between us is the only match both teams could possibly lose. I don't see Sweden go down vs Bulgaria nor Croatia losing to Iceland. So the one of us who goes home from that game with their head held down will surely get one...
  5. peckface

    Sweden 6 - 0 Malta

    Christian "Chippen" Wilhelmssons goal wasn't bad either. We will surely seal one of the "best second" places with this win. I agree, Malta isn't even an okay team. But as they say said, its not easy to score 6 goals against a team with 10 defenders. ;)
  6. peckface

    Sweden 6 - 0 Malta

    Did anybody see the one where he lost hes balance, hold the ball ïn the air with four touches, and tried with some kind of acrobatic kick score in the air? That was awesome. ;) I also loved the pass to Svensson in Ljungbergs goal, simply superb.