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  1. Cronios


    i believe he will sell them, we were keeping them for bargain tools, we have offers for all of them
  2. Cronios


    His priority is a big club, why sould he risk that when Juve are rather interested on Vieira and have already agreed on Mozart? It wouldnt be the smart moove, we all saw what happened to Miccoli
  3. Cronios


    But we cant be sure he wouldnt choose Juve if he had the chance
  4. Cronios


    If this is whats he wants, but i m not sure its his choice
  5. Cronios


    Mozart would give us depth, but with the loss of Emo, we will loose the "surface":down:
  6. Cronios


    We sould at least loan him, not just sell him or swap for the Cassano overvalued tag, we already gave up on Kuffour,Nonda,Taddei about him, give them Blasi, keep Mozart, give him a change!
  7. Cronios


    Get both of them if Vieira wont come
  8. Cronios


    Go Moggi, make some cash for Vieira!
  9. Cronios


    IMO Pizarro is a prooven solution, Mozart isnt, but if Pizarro's price is much higher, we sould then prefere Mozart, because their dif as a players isnt that big, i believe the Maresca deal, now temp freezed the need and the talks on Mozart, i hope we can get rid of...
  10. Cronios


    That would be a step back, better stay in Udine(CL)
  11. Cronios


    He will end up like Emre if he goes to Inter, he wont be the first neither the last, in Juve he can be a starter,i believe with a serius offer we could lure him
  12. Cronios


    Maybe 10 and i believe he worths the dif
  13. Cronios


    I also have the same fear
  14. Cronios


    Blasi and Appiah will leave us, tacchi will be there to fill any gaps as he can play other positions too, Emo will be a starter Gianni the main sub and someone like Mozart our new starter
  15. Cronios


    No more news on him? his transfer sould be anounced already
  16. Cronios


    mozart may be the usefull tool we need in the midfield, but can he give that extra10-20% to our team we need to win the CL? Does this means we wont buy another midfielder? Good to see we only loan our talents, thats double good, they earn exp and even help us with the sign
  17. Cronios


  18. Cronios


    Keeping him 3years and give him one more change to proove himself? Why, does the football market has run out of talents? He didnt even win the place from Blasi, Blasi got out of form and he happened to be the best solution around, his future in juve was already compromised, his 4-5 last...
  19. Cronios


    For 3-4 mil he is good enough to be a decent sub and add depth to our team
  20. Cronios


    Mozart to be Juve's Maestro?:D