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  1. #10


    Id still sign mozart ...we loose appiah and enzo...we still need some creation in the midfield.
  2. #10


    thats more than fine by me..the little bastard can ruin his career in search for greedier bigger glories.
  3. #10


    emo for Samuel is another stupid move.
  4. #10


    id be happy if we kept mozart...he would do our emo partner.
  5. #10


    personaly mozart will do..but the ideal option would have been someone of the calibre of say Pedretti. This guy can do it all, but he also dictates the play in midfield. Regarding emo and his roma days, Dacourt from my memeory was a defensive midifelder with high technical abilites similar to...
  6. #10


    well he isnt costing much is he??id be happy as long as he offers the team some cohesive and creative passing.
  7. #10


    id go for the olivera option...give ruben a consistant run in a team, which would bee very usfeull in his developement.
  8. #10


    very mistaken...hes only a youngster
  9. #10


    if we want a topclass future Dm...who is an artisitic passer................... Benoit Pedretti..he is a majestic playmaker midfielder...not a am, but a proper midfielder. If we got this guy i would happily say bye bye to rosicky, Mozart, Pizzaro and Enzo....
  10. #10


    ...........mozart....if we get rid of enzo, then im up for gettign mozart, but i jus cant help the fact that if we hadnt dicked about with enzo we would have a italian, cheaper alternative.