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  1. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    *sigh* Imagine Totti had done this. Nonetheless, if Zlatan becomes as good as Totti, I don't mind anymore :D. So, please Zlatty, prove me wrong.
  2. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    If you didn't, it was someone else. My mistake then. I thought you meant I would start bashing Zlatan and praising Del Piero.
  3. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Drown them. Like they do with cats.
  4. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Well, there never was a Zlatan vs. DP discussion. So you started this fictional discussion by acting as if it was already going on.
  5. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Well, by acting as if I turned it into a DP vs Zlatan debate, you in fact turned it into one yourself.
  6. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Please, we all know that's not exactly what happened. All I'm saying is that we don't read these stories about our other Juve stars. There's never smoke without fire, Andy.
  7. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Yes, I talked about Del Piero, Camoranesi and Nedved. That's hardly DP vs. Zlatan. Further on I even said EVERY SINGLE Juve player but Zlatan would never do such a thing.
  8. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Funny also, how criticising Zlatan is called bashing when you guys always claim to "criticise" Del Piero. Stop being such hypocrits. Especially you Andy, hypocrisy personified.
  9. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    And guess who made it into one: Jeeks and Don Bes. Strange how the DP-lovers, aka Zlatan-bashers, just say Zlatan's behaviour was inappropriate. Oh dear, I dared to touch our loverboy Zlatan. How on earth could you ever agree with what Zlatan did? How on earth could you justify the fact...
  10. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    I'm not even bashing him. I don't even care what he does outside the pitch, but I can imagine Moggi and co do. It's not bringing any good to the image of Juventus either. And what also astounds me is this: Del Piero says he wants to play more often. So Del Piero gets heavily criticised on...
  11. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Once again, I'm not bashing Zlatan here and I'm not going to compare him with Del Piero. All I'm saying is that Zlatan needs to grow up and should start acting like a class guy instead of being a thug.
  12. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Yes, because obviously Zlatan is just as mature as everyone else at Juve is. It's not like any of those stories of Zlatan acting immature could be true. All I'm saying is that we won't read things like this about other Juve players and that it's strange that things like this are always about...
  13. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    :D:D:D. Is it just me or do you all see a raging Zlatan trying to run over several reporters over and over again? :D:D:D
  14. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Not at all, Bessy :). That's why I referred to Nedved and Camoranesi as well. There is not a single Juve player apart from Zlatan that would get caught doing this. I just doubt Zlatan's maturity.
  15. Seven

    Zlatan tried to run over a reporter

    Hmm.. now why is that we never read these kind of stories about Del Piero, Camoranesi or Nedved? Perhaps because they're professionals. And since we never read them about people like Nedved I'm going to assume some of it is true. No smoke without fire. Ridiculous, Zlatan. Again, try to act...