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  1. Dominic

    Your Best Film Ever

    I enjoyed ' O brother, where art thou' and 'Fargo'.
  2. Dominic

    Your Best Film Ever

    It'd suck indeed. Though about the ending again: I agree, that was my take on it as well. You should hear some of the theories on it. Though James Woods throwing himself in the garbage truck, is widely accepted.
  3. Dominic

    Your Best Film Ever

    Great film indeed. As I've heard many different interpretations , what was your take on the ending with the garbage truck?
  4. Dominic

    Your Best Film Ever

    I'd like to mention "once upon a time in the west" as well.
  5. Dominic

    Your Best Film Ever

    In no particular order: the Godfather I Once upon a time in America Godfather II Godfather III Copland Scarface the Truman show Goodfellas Casino Forrest Gump Road to Perdition Pulpfiction Donnie Brasco Memento L.A. confidential