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  1. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    Believe me - if we could get our hands on them, we would. :frown:
  2. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    #28 with #28 :D
  3. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    And if you don't mind the buffering, scan up to the 25:25 mark in this 31 minute news video from TG1 on Saturday:,4388,4-13-13-CTY15-CID27583-0-0-0---1-81-ABB0,00.html
  4. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    Here's some of the daytime celebrations from the Turin-area TV station from today (catch it ASAP, as it updates daily):,,tgr^piemonte,00.html
  5. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    So I just watched some segments of TG1 (Telegiornale 1, the news on Rai Uno) I recorded off RAI Int'l last night, and sure enough: some great video footage of the festivities along Via Roma. Damn, I wish I was there for it!
  6. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    Yet another found online...
  7. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    Hey ... isn't that a drunk and unshaven Ancelotti front and center?? :D
  8. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    Nice! Now that looks like Torino - and the neon signs you see along Via Roma. Piazza San Carlo, perhaps? Weird, because I heard that the usual Piazza San Carlo was closed off due to 2006 Olympic construction, so the events were moved more towards the Piazza Castello.
  9. swag

    Juve Champions Of Italia 2005 Celebratrion Photos

    These are awesome pictures, KA! My favorite part about it is that, as noted in pic #1 in particular, these pictures are from Milano, right smack in the Piazza del Duomo -- the exact location where Milan's celebrations were for the Scudetto last season. :LOL: