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  1. Tobias

    show your support to members who are unwell

    Thanx man. Im glad u still around. I'l b geting a pacer in a couple of days till something comes along. I know its strange but u guys feel like family. Ps: y do u have a negative vibe about SA?
  2. Tobias

    show your support to members who are unwell

    @peckface thanx, no it has nothing to do wit SA(the 1st guy who did a heart transplant was south african) and im back home i just have a bad heart thats all. Ps. What did u say y r u apologising?
  3. Tobias

    show your support to members who are unwell

    Thanx Rebel, no, thers a list so i have to wait...
  4. Tobias

    show your support to members who are unwell

    Sory bro cant swim, but for u i will. @Rebel i need a heart any voluteers?
  5. Tobias

    show your support to members who are unwell

    this is the official give fiore support thread as she needs our love in her difficult moments please leave your messages Bozi