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  1. Maresca

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    please no.... I want finaly to see juve in action again..
  2. Maresca

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    Juve, emergenza attaccanti Ha gli attaccanti contati a Firenze Fabio Capello, per la trasferta di sabato pomeriggio al Franchi in casa dei viola, inftti, la sua Juventus non potrà contare su David Trezeguet e Marcelo Zalayeta. Il bomber francese e il Panteròn uruguagio sono tornati...
  3. Maresca

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    he is injuired.. but he is allways the best when he playes, along with miccoli
  4. Maresca

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    you wellcome..
  5. Maresca

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    aha, you don´t know too much about seria A?? In Seria A and B there is no goal difference rule. If 2 teams or more, have the same points, they have to play decisive games between each other. So milan and juve can score what they want, it is not important. 10-0 and 1-0 are the same. therefore...
  6. Maresca

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    ou, against fiorentina :eek: joke!! I just thought yesterday as I saw the goals of Inter-Fiorentina, that we still have to play against fiorentina... I did not know that we play against them so soon. I hope Miccoli will not be fit for the game.. as well as Maresca..