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  1. IncuboRossonero

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    Hardly the stuff "dreams are made out of" was the worse display of goaltending in years.
  2. IncuboRossonero

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    Some of your opinions ring true but others are just wishful thinking The WORKMAN mentality/blue collar labourer or Johnny-Hustle character does not get by thanks to lucky calls (or lack of them) and a keeper not fit to play in a U.S. High school team (Fiorentina keeper). Also, I would hardly...
  3. IncuboRossonero

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    so what?? Does that not show perseverance and determination and a will to never give what if they score in extra time...or last only strengthens a teams will to win. You have no point with this... Games are not 90 minutes... and on that note if actual GOALS were counted...
  4. IncuboRossonero

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    its not about that Graham..its about how a mediocre team like Juve with a mediocre supply of players has managed to stay atop Serie A....
  5. IncuboRossonero

    [Serie A] Fiorentina - Juventus

    The mystery is how Juve is managing to stay with Milan atop Serie A: lucky to surpass Roma unscathed since those classless s-o-b's (Roma) did not have playing in their minds...lucky to get the call against Chievo and not go down to the draw and extremely lucky this week that Fiorentina's...