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  1. Juventus Membership

    I applied for International Membership over two month ago for the first time, have had zero response so far despite my efforts to email them several times. No idea what is going on. Tempted to resend my details again (keep thinking maybe it got lost in the post) Pretty awful service so...
  2. [CL] Champions League 2011/12

    True that. I dont know if I can stomach work with my Chelsea colleagues come Monday if they win... but you know after we lift trophy tomorrow night I probably wont give a fuck anyway! :D
  3. [CL] Champions League 2011/12

    Also remember if Chelsea lose it means no Champions League next year. That cheque book of theirs wont be much help in signing the major targets come the transfer market. Less power for us to compete against. Come on bayern ffs!!!
  4. Il Capitano Alessandro Del Piero

    Cant write much about this anomaly. Farewell my prince "Unforgettable in everyway.... ...and forevermore, thats how you'll stay" :cry:
  5. Juventuz LIVE matches 2011/2012

    True act of a hero, both in his last milan games! Fuckin love you so much ADP. Hes going to make it the treble next week!
  6. Juventuz LIVE matches 2011/2012

    Camera man has a serious dose of the horn tonight... *high five*
  7. Juve pre-season matches

    Im hoping it was a signal of intent. We are Juve. This aint no fuckin friendly. We should fight to win every match! Captain leads by example.
  8. Juventuz LIVE 2010/2011

  9. Juventuz LIVE 2010/2011

    The worst case of 'hit and hope for the best' i've ever seen. Sadly, we'll end up getting hit on the counter and go down 2.
  10. Injury Updates

    Zebina asks Juve fans for respect Brescia defender Jonathan Zebina has asked Juventus fans for a little respect in recognition of his time at the club. The veteran Frenchman left Turin this summer after six seasons and although he went down with the club to Serie B, the fans can't stand...
  11. The Wish List and General Discussion Thread

    haha I AM Irish and would NEVER consider O'Shea :crazy: Ivanovic defo
  12. [Europa League] JUVENTUS 1-0 Shamrock Rovers (August 5th 2010)

    Anyone know where Twigg lives in Ireland? I might rob his house for that Del Piero jersey. Pass myself off as a plumber or something :D
  13. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    I laughed at the 'who r ya, who r ya!' chants at the start. WE are Juve, who in the fuck are you? Now pipe down an be quiet.
  14. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    As an irish man this is quoted for the truth. The majority of irish lads fuckin HATE shamrock. Just back from the game, is it just me or is tallaght a bit of shit hole lol? No offense folks!
  15. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    300, and I shall be amongst them! Who else is going lads?
  16. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    I'm black & white thru and thru. I dont support Shamrock.
  17. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    I would love to know why anyone would think we are going to win by double figures. Judging by our recent past outings our creative side isn't exactly showing. You have a Juventus side that can barely string a few ideas together against a team, although not on the same technical level, but...
  18. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    Another quick update, same old shite really "We can't put in temporary seats so we will be restricted to a 6,000 capacity. We have 3,000 season ticket holders and 500 members, Juve will get 300 tickets, so we will look...
  19. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    Looks like you could be right. Cunts!!! Will have to speak to my rover fans ffs
  20. [Europa League] Shamrock Rovers 0-2 JUVENTUS (July 29th, 2010)

    Not entirely true. I spoke with Shamrock Rovers and was told there will be a public sale after ticket holders get theres. Of course there may be none after but possiblity is still there. Ive also heard rumour that the delay in ticket release is because Shamrock are trying to move to the RDS...