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  1. US Presidential Elections thread - the fate of the world to be decided

    Hah this is the best day in 4 years!, thank you America!, -you ppl are the best!. Bush is the ideal leader as he has proved, a role model for the missinformed socialistic loosers in most of europe and the rest of the world. In your face all Bush/USA haters, you are all loosers!!! finally my...
  2. Terrorism

    You are so stupid!, face it the world is horrible, but not because of USA, they are they ones who take care of others mess!, im sure you just ignore the victims of 9/11, children who lost their parents, is that any better to you?
  3. Terrorism

    World police?, no, but we can thank them for it, look at WWII!!!, save me for that "jantelov" mentality.
  4. Terrorism

    Its the difference in the way they do it, Bush are sorry for civile victims, its a military action, and at least Bush makes it once and for all, to get rid of Saddam, his intentions are a bit better than Saddam, too say at least!
  5. Terrorism

    Saddam had a finger in the 9/11, he probably hided weapons of mass destruction, and he was a big threat, thanks to the action taken, we might have saved him from doing harm. You cant expect USA to clean up all over the world. Its enough with this one.
  6. Terrorism

    yeah right, you are comparing bush to saddam :rolleyes:?
  7. Terrorism

  8. Terrorism

    Thanks to Bush he'll never get the chance again.
  9. Terrorism

    just take whatever you want out of context as it suits you, this discussion is useless anyway.
  10. Terrorism

    yes, cause it was a really lame excuse.
  11. Terrorism

    afghanistan, iraq, etc whats the difference, war is war, if Saddam had done what he was supposed to do for UN, then it would never have getten this far, but what can you expect from a man who kills thousands of his own ppl.
  12. Terrorism

    :rofl: :dontcare: yeah sure
  13. Terrorism

    no you most be, if you have that naive view.
  14. Terrorism

    No its not, but dont expect to not get back when you attack USA!, innocents will die, its also very useless of you to post these images, what is it good for?
  15. Terrorism

    incredible, you are sick.
  16. Terrorism

    and your point is......:rolleyes:
  17. Terrorism

    I think that girl died faster, and momentarely, in contrast to those in WTC, but maybe you have forgot those pictures and videos?, disgracefull :groan:, i dont want to discuss this, there is no point, its just disgracefull.
  18. Terrorism

    you pervert idiot, why do you show these disgusting pictures?, most ppl dont like to see this kinds of stuff you know!
  19. Terrorism

    Are you insane?, off course they were, what had USA done to deserve the terror attacks?= NOTHING!, and all throughout the middle east and iraq ppl were celebrating the terror attacks, because they hate USA, so excuse me if i dont :touched: over dead t*ash!.
  20. [CL] Juventus FC - FC Bayern

    so do i