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  1. flieeeekke

    Juventus legends vs. Toro legends

    hey, how's it going? is there a torrent for this match?
  2. flieeeekke

    David Trezeguet

    whoever created that abomination should be shot. a lot of times
  3. flieeeekke

    [SPA] La Liga 2009/2010

    british press claims otherwise.
  4. flieeeekke

    [SPA] La Liga 2009/2010

    not while man city are on whatever's the thing they're on. 150k quid a week for adebayor. he's bloody useless!
  5. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    ciro can be one tough bastard in the dressing room. let's just old friendships won't get in the way
  6. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    which means you dont exist. i think i'll delete your account, you dont need it anymore.
  7. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    fair enough, i see your point. but after so many incidents in the past, i still can't believe they're still actict like idiots. in a friendly. against a korean side..
  8. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    two disciplinary incidents in a friendly. i'm fine with defending your team mates, but when they're acting like idiots (like zebina did), they need a kick in their backside, not defending. even more so. why is everyone saying this was a great game. it wasnt
  9. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    very easily i can be in each of these groups
  10. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    i mean arguing with opposition and referees. even when you're wrong. fuck team spirit, in both cases juve players were wrong.
  11. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    isnt this "great game" thing a bit of overreaction? we played against a korean side. solid win, but they still managed to put us under some pressure. diego looked brilliant, tiago was good solid in first half, meh in the second, iaquinta did run a lot, scored a fluke, missed a great chance in...
  12. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    so we'll become a bit like chelsea.. great..
  13. flieeeekke

    David Trezeguet

    yeah, immobile looked good against amateur sides, let's make him our 4th striker. this place never changes..
  14. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    no you havent, i just checked missing members thread. :D
  15. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    king ale! how are you, love? everyhting fine?
  16. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    by the way, am i still a moderator?
  17. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    fuck off both of you jack, change my bloody name. by the way, i saw gogol bordello a month ago and they were bloody brilliant. again.
  18. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    i loved how he thought telling a story about notts county would make him look knowledgeable. disclaimer. i dont know if that is a word
  19. flieeeekke

    [Peace Cup] JUVENTUS 3-0 Seongnam, July 28th 2009

    pffffft.... this diego chap is quite handy!