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  1. Home Strip

    I don't think I'll get him a name, I don't really know who his favourite player is. He has old shirts with no name so think I'll stick to what I know!! He can always add a name later.
  2. Home Strip

    Hmm, good point, would be nice for him to have it for the final! And thank you Zlatan, I've been telling him that for ages! Thanks, you've all been very helpful :cool:
  3. Home Strip

    ok, thanks for your help! Don't spose there's much point in buying one at this late stage. Thanks!
  4. Home Strip

    Hi, I wondered if someone could help me? I was thinking about getting my boyfriend the juve home strip for his bday next month but wondered if it would be changing in the summer. I have no idea if they change every season or what! :confused: Please help!