Recent content by rafaelcr8080

  1. Andrea Cambiaso

    Got subbed at halftime against salernitana, he was pretty bad, some good crosses but gets beaten constantly on the back by the winger
  2. Filippo Ranocchia

    he was pretty bad imo, some good passes but seemed very lazy of unfit, never went for a tackle or tried to defend, he could have done a lot better for napolis 1st goal
  3. Better Call Saul

    yeah he doesnt give a shit about him thats why his plan b was to bring his father in the play but mike steps up, it will be interesting to see what happens
  4. Better Call Saul

    he was planning a shootout between both thats why he gave the gun to nacho and told him to shot to anyone that comes close, clearly it was a mistake by a younger Gus which is represented in the glass he broke in that scene with mike
  5. What Are You Doing Right Now?

    Hello everyone im from post its been a crazy day for juventinos but im happy to announce that the community mostly of r/juve managed to put Juve's name on r/place after a LOT of effort: Anyway this silly thing...
  6. Marketing & Commerce

    hello everyone i dont really know where to put this so... if you havent heard there is this thing called where basically all the internet is making a canvas and i thought we could put juves name on it, so far ive seen barcas, chelssea, liverpool logos (they...
  7. Juve Friendlies Schedule and pre-season talk