Recent content by Qurezco99

  1. NEW USERS:announce yourselves and get your balls cupped here

    Thanks a lot guys for a such warm welcome, why I didn't find this place when we were going through a bad time and it would've been nice know that I'm not the only one who is suffering :(
  2. Robin Van Persie - Forward - Arsenal

    Dude I totally understand you, but with our limited budget, we shouldn't risk it.
  3. NEW USERS:announce yourselves and get your balls cupped here

    Thanks dude, I'm very glad you didn't, Real Madrid is full of fake fans. Lots of Barca fans will convert to Madrid fan next coming season.
  4. Robin Van Persie - Forward - Arsenal

    Why we even thinking to buy him :( 1- he's way to injury prone 2- he's 28/29 not getting younger 3- just focus on Cavni or someone younger
  5. NEW USERS:announce yourselves and get your balls cupped here

    Hi Guys, My name is Jamal, I'm 24 and i live in Australia. I became juventus fan when I brought my first juventus fake 10$$ jersey back in 2002 and since then Black,white and pink runs in my vains. These days Im working for some Crappy Tv channel. Hate my job :(