Recent content by lakl

  1. Fernando Llorente

    I wont discuss. Let lion and Hustini critizase all nando does, they are real juve supporters
  2. Fernando Llorente

    Next juve coach....hustini. Allegri,Conte,Bielsa...were wrong One thing, last season tevez 19 goald (2 penalt.), nando 16. And it seems tevez is a god and nando amauri
  3. Fernando Llorente

    So, in your opinion, putting anyone instead of nando the team will play better and win more matches? Allegri must be blind
  4. Fernando Llorente

    Nando is a super class, maybe the best targetman before ibra. Playing in a team whitout wingers,what makes things more difficult to him. But some people here underrate him, specially when he doesn't make a gol.
  5. Fernando Llorente

    Good first half and average performance on the second from nando. Very consistent partnership tevet-llorente, i don't remember more than two matches loosed since they arrived
  6. Fernando Llorente

    Nando´s match today has been quite good, with brilliant moments. Every player fails 2-3 passes per match and nando haters will critize him for everything he do. Thanks Nando for your great first season for us
  7. Fernando Llorente

    If i,m not wrong nando didn,t play in lisboa, reading this forum it seems so... Yesterday he didn,t receive any decent cross and the only one that came to the box he would converted in goal if the hand of an opponent wouldn,t be there Nando is one of the best transfer we have done for years
  8. Fernando Llorente

    I cant remembrr more than 8-10 decent crosses in all of the season and he has converted in goal practically all of them. Maybe he is notplaying so good comparing to a month ago, like the rest of the team (apart from carlos), but he is essential for us.
  9. Fernando Llorente

    One of our most important players this season, in which our team is achieving some records, with 11 goals and a very few decent crosses for him. Are we going mad? He doesnt deserve this hard criticism,no way