Recent content by Jmcgraghan

  1. Emanuele Giaccherini

    I must admit that I didn't really buy into this story when I first heard it. Mind is now blown.
  2. Emanuele Giaccherini

    Cheers guys, I have seen a lot of Juventus fans saying he is an incredibly hard worker.
  3. Emanuele Giaccherini

    Well, anyway I would have thought the 8 or 10 million euro fee that is being thrown around would be too much to refuse for a reserve player that pretty much never gets a spot in the starting 11 at Juve. Or is Conte too fond of him to let him go?
  4. Emanuele Giaccherini

    Thanks for the incredibly insightful reply mate.
  5. Emanuele Giaccherini

    I came on here as a Sunderland fan interested in your opinions of Giaccherini what with the fact you all watch him every week and the rumour mill going into overdrive. Looks like he's a fan favourite, still hopeful Di Canio might pull this off but you all seem to not want it to happen. Plus the...