Recent content by Jak27

  1. Jak27

    Sergio Agüero - ST - Atletico Madrid
  2. Jak27

    Edin Džeko - Wolfsburg - ST

    I really don't understand what are these Man City fans bragging or proud about their team. What makes a Club great is not the age or the trophies, is their attitude thoughout time. Thropies are a result of such attitude. I cannot come up with another team that endured what Juve has -unfairly-...
  3. Jak27

    Segundo Alejandro Castillo to Juve???

    Lol Craka...Yeah I dont post much...I mostly enjoy browsing through the forums and only post when is necessary.... Well I am Ecuadorian and he's good for Ecuadorian standards.. I dont think he will be a good addition if we are trying to build up a team for CL next season. However I do think he...
  4. Jak27

    Segundo Alejandro Castillo to Juve???

    14/01/2008 | 09:54 Castillo tendría contrato con la Juventus de Turín Guayaquil (CRE).- El mediocampista ecuatoriano, Segundo Alejandro Castillo, tendría un contrato firmado con la Juventus de Turín y podría unirse al equipo italiano en el próximo mes de junio. El empresario del...
  5. Jak27

    Segundo Alejadnro Castillo

    Castillo asegura que aún no está definido su traspaso a la “Juve” Guayaquil (CRE).-Desde Austria, el volante ecuatoriano Segundo Castillo dio a conocer que su traspaso a la Juventus de Turín no está concretado aunque espera que su empresario Jorge Guerrero pueda llegar a buen término con las...
  6. Jak27

    Segundo Alejadnro Castillo

    I was an avid fan of Barcelona (from Ecuador not Spain)..but after a couple of dissapointing performances and the lack of heart that players gave to the team I decided since 1998 to give all my support to Juve. Since then I have always followed and supported Juve with all my heart. He is...
  7. Jak27

    Segundo Alejadnro Castillo

    Hey guys, this is my 1st post here, though I have been around these forums for a while. I am from Ecuador and I can say I know Castillo pretty well as a player, and even though i would love to see a fellow countrymen signing for an elite and my favorite team like Juve, I don't think he's what...