OK, maybe, just maybe one handed drunk people shouldnt be allowed to drive... (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2003
And hence why there are no open container laws in Texas. What else would they do for entertainment?... :undecide:

No wonder how they gave the nation our current president.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
I haven't been drinking and driving for something like 3- 4 years now. Here you pay 2 shiriks ($4) and any taxi driver will get in your car's driving seat and drive it whereever you want.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++
I haven't been drinking and driving for something like 3- 4 years now.
Good, keep it that way dude. My friend was killed a few months ago by a drunk truck driver who fled the scene of the accident and turned himself into the police the next day when he was sober.
++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++
Here you pay 2 shiriks ($4) and any taxi driver will get in your car's driving seat and drive it whereever you want.
:confused: And how the hell does he get back to his taxi after he's taken you home? :D


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++

Good, keep it that way dude. My friend was killed a few months ago by a drunk truck driver who fled the scene of the accident and turned himself into the police the next day when he was sober.

:confused: And how the hell does he get back to his taxi after he's taken you home? :D
A nominal taxi fee in the city center (where everything is concentrated) is about $1. So, out $4 I pay him, he can sacrifice $1 to get back to his taxi. Or, to save money, he can use public transport, which will cost him $0.25 :D

Couple of my friends got into car accidents (no fatalities thank God), but their cars were totally messed up. We used to do a lot of street racing and stuff. So then I quit. And I feel great! I am not worried that I will do something terrible when I'm drunk.
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Pendir_E65 ] ++

A nominal taxi fee in the city center (where everything is concentrated) is about $1. So, out $4 I pay him, he can sacrifice $1 to get back to his taxi. Or, to save money, he can use public transport, which will cost him $0.25 :D

Couple of my friends got into car accidents (no fatalities thank God), but their cars were totally messed up. We used to do a lot of street racing and stuff. So then I quit. And I feel great! I am not worried that I will do something terrible when I'm drunk.
damn i guess Euro trip was right :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003

They've actually got some nice pictures of gear over there, but I'd best stop talking about another forum before Martin finds out :mute:

btw I wasn't aware that Barney had yellow toenails


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2004
++ [ originally posted by mikhail ] ++
:howler: Hadn't noticed. Just found this in another thread there:

Pardon my unawareness of the entertainment industry, is Barny a cartoon caracter?

In the Soviet Union there was a very popular cartoon about this crocodile called Gena, which looks exactly like Barny!

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