No More Foreigners (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
I think juve should now learn that the foreigners in r team r a bunch of money and glory grabbers..i am sick to death of these big foreigners stars players asking for more money for example DAVIDS-TREZEGUET r 2 great examples of money grabbers..the foreigners that hav played in r team hav used us for there money and once they hav got enough they r off..take ZIDANE,,he came to juve almost un heard off,,we made him win 2 golden balls and then he decides that because he cant win the champs league with us he is better off at madrid!!well who got the last laugh out of that 1 mrs PEREZ??now take TREZEGUET he did his part since he has been at juve but all of a sudden he wants the same wage package as del piero(which is far to much since he is doing so little)he does not want to stay at juve because i think some other club(arsnel)hav offered him big wage package that he wants from us..i say sell him right after the euro2004 and get a great fee for him..i also read that nedved was on his way to chelski if it was not for his wife stopping him because she did not want to move from italy..he is another of thos stars who hav won there golden ball and now they are trying to this how they repay us??..i think its about time that juve started buying alot more italians that r alot more trust worthy even though there r some foreigners that we could that parma and lazio are in trouble this would be a great chance to buy there top stars for great investments..we should start investing r month into italians that r young..for example we hav 4-5 under20's..2-3 under 21's and a alot of players on loans that i think could easly be part of the juve squad..this is my list of players that should be sold and bought....SELL-tudor,uiliano,montero,pessotto,fresi,trezeguet,zalayeta,di vaio...BUY-oddo,bonera,ferrari,gilardino,blasi (bring back from loan and who i think would hav been on the plane to portulgal with italy if he had not been tested postive),corradi,imbramvic..and lippi should satart promoting some primavera players like bartolucci,konko,palladino,benjamin to r squad to revamp r aging team..i dont no if u all agree on wot i hav said but i would love to hear ur piont of views on this sorry for any spelling mistakes...forza juve per sempre nel mio coure

Buy on


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gianni84 ] ++
I think juve should now learn that the foreigners in r team r a bunch of money and glory grabbers..i am sick to death of these big foreigners stars players asking for more money for example DAVIDS-TREZEGUET r 2 great examples of money grabbers..the foreigners that hav played in r team hav used us for there money and once they hav got enough they r off..take ZIDANE,,he came to juve almost un heard off,,we made him win 2 golden balls and then he decides that because he cant win the champs league with us he is better off at madrid!!well who got the last laugh out of that 1 mrs PEREZ??now take TREZEGUET he did his part since he has been at juve but all of a sudden he wants the same wage package as del piero(which is far to much since he is doing so little)he does not want to stay at juve because i think some other club(arsnel)hav offered him big wage package that he wants from us..i say sell him right after the euro2004 and get a great fee for him..i also read that nedved was on his way to chelski if it was not for his wife stopping him because she did not want to move from italy..he is another of thos stars who hav won there golden ball and now they are trying to this how they repay us??..i think its about time that juve started buying alot more italians that r alot more trust worthy even though there r some foreigners that we could that parma and lazio are in trouble this would be a great chance to buy there top stars for great investments..we should start investing r month into italians that r young..for example we hav 4-5 under20's..2-3 under 21's and a alot of players on loans that i think could easly be part of the juve squad..this is my list of players that should be sold and bought....SELL-tudor,uiliano,montero,pessotto,fresi,trezeguet,zalayeta,di vaio...BUY-oddo,bonera,ferrari,gilardino,blasi (bring back from loan and who i think would hav been on the plane to portulgal with italy if he had not been tested postive),corradi,imbramvic..and lippi should satart promoting some primavera players like bartolucci,konko,palladino,benjamin to r squad to revamp r aging team..i dont no if u all agree on wot i hav said but i would love to hear ur piont of views on this sorry for any spelling mistakes...forza juve per sempre nel mio coure
Nedved is not like that :(:stuckup:


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2003
i dont think trez wants to be paid as high as DP :down: just 1/4 of what DP tell me why it's not fair?

i dunno, i think it's good to have a blend of players.....diff players from diff countries have diff skills, techniques etc....why not incorporate that into italian style of play?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
That idea sounds awfully archaic. Football as a unifying force? :groan:


Look how much Del Piero earns :rolleyes:
Jul 7, 2003
Ale Del Piero is a symbol of Juve, he earns that money for what he's done to club and You will see real Alex will back sooner or later, I' annoyed for what you wrote about Alex-like sell Alex, Henry would be better(have You seen him playing in Juve?? That was crap), he earns too many, He is our symbol and Why You all think why Moggi sell Zidane, Davids everyone else and not Alex?? Becouse Alex is fantastic, maybe now he's out of forma but did You seen him plying before Roma match?? He was real good, so please stop writin stories like Alex out, sell Alex...


Senior Member
Jul 12, 2002
we should never generalize.few players who play in foreign countries behave like that,at least less than those who don't.

juve has had alot of success with foreign talent.why stop now because of a few minor issues??

btw,davids left not because he demanded too much money,but because the club didn't want to sign another contact with him in the first place.ask moggi.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
I wouldn't consider Trezeguet a money-grabber. The man wants more money, and what's wrong with that? Look at how much he earns in comparison with Del Piero!

I'm not saying that DP doesn't deserve what he's paid (though this season's performances sure as hell don't) but Trez should get more than he currently is.


Dec 16, 2003
i think this story about nedved was right , he wanted to move to chelsea but his wife stopped him... all i really care about is del piero , our symbol Lord everythin, i will never want him to leav!


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++

who? no one daid anything aout homos.
Yeah, I know. Isnt homophobia (along with being a fear of homosexuals) in general a fear of anything different, including forigners?

Or is that another word? :undecide:


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
++ [ originally posted by gianni84 ] ++
I think juve should now learn that the foreigners in r team r a bunch of money and glory grabbers..i am sick to death of these big foreigners stars players asking for more money for example DAVIDS-TREZEGUET r 2 great examples of money grabbers..the foreigners that hav played in r team hav used us for there money and once they hav got enough they r off..take ZIDANE,,he came to juve almost un heard off,,we made him win 2 golden balls and then he decides that because he cant win the champs league with us he is better off at madrid!!well who got the last laugh out of that 1 mrs PEREZ??now take TREZEGUET he did his part since he has been at juve but all of a sudden he wants the same wage package as del piero(which is far to much since he is doing so little)he does not want to stay at juve because i think some other club(arsnel)hav offered him big wage package that he wants from us..i say sell him right after the euro2004 and get a great fee for him..i also read that nedved was on his way to chelski if it was not for his wife stopping him because she did not want to move from italy..he is another of thos stars who hav won there golden ball and now they are trying to this how they repay us??..i think its about time that juve started buying alot more italians that r alot more trust worthy even though there r some foreigners that we could that parma and lazio are in trouble this would be a great chance to buy there top stars for great investments..we should start investing r month into italians that r young..for example we hav 4-5 under20's..2-3 under 21's and a alot of players on loans that i think could easly be part of the juve squad..this is my list of players that should be sold and bought....SELL-tudor,uiliano,montero,pessotto,fresi,trezeguet,zalayeta,di vaio...BUY-oddo,bonera,ferrari,gilardino,blasi (bring back from loan and who i think would hav been on the plane to portulgal with italy if he had not been tested postive),corradi,imbramvic..and lippi should satart promoting some primavera players like bartolucci,konko,palladino,benjamin to r squad to revamp r aging team..i dont no if u all agree on wot i hav said but i would love to hear ur piont of views on this sorry for any spelling mistakes...forza juve per sempre nel mio coure
Trezeguet money grabber??? :confused:

excuse me.. but he have scored lots of goals with juventus... being best scorer in one season and he still earns little money in comparison with players that have done the same as him..and with his curriculum. Thou he dosnt deserve the same amount as del piero (i think that even del piero don deserve that much but well).

About Nedved.... he can do whatever he wants... his job in jUVENTUS is done and he is a proved champion, same as del piero

About our currentteam... we just have to do some real changes in defence and it will solve all our problems...... we have been scoring like crazy this season,,,and in fact toi tell u the truth..our problems are not in the attack but in the dfesne.


Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -Z- ] ++

Yeah, I know. Isnt homophobia (along with being a fear of homosexuals) in general a fear of anything different, including forigners?

Or is that another word? :undecide:
xenophobia. aka fear or general dislike of foreigners.

i find nothing wrong with that tendency...


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2003
originally posted by gianni84

take ZIDANE,,he came to juve almost un heard off,,we made him win 2 golden balls and then he decides that because he cant win the champs league with us he is better off at madrid!!well who got the last laugh out of that 1 mrs PEREZ??
first of all, Zidane is not a money-grabber.. he deserved those two golden balls.. and juve got the last laugh with $65 mil...

second, the reasons for most foreigners moving away from juve were not just the money.. they even don't get a regular place in the first team (davids's case) or the club itself want to sell the player (zidane's case).. or the player didn't fit in the team (henry's case)..


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2003
Not all "foreign" players are money grabbers
Not all money grabbers are foreigners

The first post, IMO, is just a very bad example of poor generalization which has no value of discussion.

Probably it makes more sense if we have a topic like "No more underperforming high-salary players".


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++

xenophobia. aka fear or general dislike of foreigners.

i find nothing wrong with that tendency...
As long as it doesn't turn into racism

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