American College Football Rant :( (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
I don't know how many of you follow American college football, but I just needed a place to rant and go off on a tangent about the Bullshit that is the Bowl Championship System format.

If you can't tell by now, I am a BIG fan of the University of Southern California, and someone please tell me HOW THE HELL a team that is ranked #1 in both polls not get into the National Championship game?!?!?!


Oklahoma didn't even win its FUKKIN Conference championship, yet they are playing in the Title game??


Anyway, thanks for allowing me to vent my frustration.

BTW, if anyone here DOES follow it, I would appreciate your opinion.

Fight on, Trojans!!!!!

Buy on


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #4
    ++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
    My LSU Tigers are playing Oklahoma. (cool) Do you think we can beat them?

    Well, basically playing at home is going to help.

    What they need to do is shore up their defense up the middle.

    One chink in LSU's armour on defense is the fact that Georgia was able to throw over the middle to their running backs coming out of the Backfield.

    The problem is that David Greene sucks, and so do his RB's and he wasn't able to complete those passes.

    For LSU to win, they are going to have to put pressure on Jason White without having to blitz, because OU has so much talent on offense.

    Just to let you know, I have NO PROBLEMS at all with LSU being there, they absolutely deserve it, but it's ridiculous that the #1 team in the country is not going to get a chance to play.
    Jul 19, 2003
    I really don't understand how the bowl system works and I never bothered to do so, but I'm interested to know what people are complaining about. My friend was saying the other day that it's messed up. If you can give a brief explanation of it, I'll tell you what I think.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #6
    Wow, a brief explanation, Huh?

    I could recite the Magna Carta line by line, and it would take less time.

    Bottom Line, in the years that the BCS has been in place, no #1 team has NEVER not played for the National Championship.

    Until Now.


    Junior Member
    Oct 31, 2003
    This thread is really popular :)

    BCS messed up last year too. Get used to it.
    NCAA mens BB how many number on'es will there have been by the end of the year?


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
    lol-I like LSU.....and I understand your point Serge, but then again, think about it-what shows more-a really bad day and you lose to a good team, or you play pretty well, and still(barely) lose to a good team........I would go for Oklahoma, I have to say.......sorry


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #9
    Well, Well, Well.

    USC Spanked Michigan 28-14 in the Rose Bowl, and it looks like they will get a share of the National Championship.

    My new year has already started off great.:D:D:D:D


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #14
    Oh great. Well, as long as he keeps his distance from me, then fine.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #15
    Well, congratulations to the LSU Tigers. Well deserved.

    However, EXTRA SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS goes out to my beloved University of Southern California Trojans, as they have captured a share of the National Championship.

    Geaux Tigers

    FIGHT ON TROJANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #17
    Not from what I've experienced.

    Then again, my girls were never the type to just lay there like a dead fish, anyway.

    I feel that I can get away with this here, because no one really comes to this thread, anyhow.


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    Was the joke there based on that Trojans are a brand of condoms, or am I way off? We don't have that brand here.
    ++ [ originally posted by USA Juventini ] ++
    I feel that I can get away with this here, because no one really comes to this thread, anyhow.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #19
    ++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++
    Was the joke there based on that Trojans are a brand of condoms, or am I way off? We don't have that brand here.

    Yes, Trojans are a brand of Condoms.

    And what the hell are you doing here??

    Shouldn't you be at curling practice?? Mr. Big-Shot Moderator:D:D

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