Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester United, and Arsenal (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
Anything on these teams-comparisons, analysis, what ever you want! Who's your fav. for the EPL Title, who will score the most goals, who will do the best in the CL, and why...........

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Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Hey but there is a EPL thread just right in this forum!!

so why to bother with this one?? :confused:
seriously, without being disrespectful
we can talk there about this teams and all the others!


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #4
    I just think there should be a thread for just those four teams-a combination of info on these teams in the champions league and the EPL so it will all be together.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    There's also a CL thread, though I have to admit that I find two 30-page threads more annoying than thirty 2-page threads.


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #6
    I agree on the Chelsea front-They have come together surprisingly well, and they should be able to make a strong challenge for the throne. Can't forget Manu though-they always are strong and they have the guts and the heart to win in a close run. Arsenal never seem to be quite there.....always close, but never really making it. They won it in the 2001/2002 season, but that ws mainly because Manchester had a dismal year. Their only chance I think is if they exit the CL quickly and can concentrate on the premiership, while manchester and chelsea stay longer and focus more on the CL. Unfortunately, I don't think Liverpool will launch much of a challenge, unless they get their act together quickly! losing to charlton????? bloody annoying!


    Senior Member
    Sep 30, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #7
    bloody hell! What is up with Liverpool?? Houllier is insane saying that Liverpool can still win the premiership! This happened last year! and supposedly Liverpool turned a corner.........doesn't look like it. I hate saying it, but Houllier is full of shit! He talks and talks and talks.....but no improvement! driving me crazy. And then you have the players, who besides Owen and maybe Kewell and the new frenchies, are useless! a slumping team can only be partly ressurected by the manager-the players have to do the rest. And meanwhile, Chelsea, Arsenal, and Manu are in a tight fight at the top of the's sickening-when is something going to happen?

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