Stadium Guide (1 Viewer)


May 27, 2007
The National Stadium in Warsaw which has a capacity of 60 thousand seats will be built in the place where at present is the 10th Anniversary Stadium, or next to Washington roundabout in Prague-South. According to current conception the National Stadium is expected to be the main element of a sports-recreational centre (“the National Sport Centre”) which will including among others: a pool with Olympic parameters, a sports-auditorium hall on 15 thousand seats, as well as commercial part (shop centres, gastronomic centres).

The Central Sports Centre in Warsaw is the institution which is responsible for realization of investments. The whole investment is estimated at about 1,2 mld zlotys including cost of the stadium- about 650 mln zlotys.

The whole complex should be finished around 2010. The National Stadium is expected to be one of the main centres of the European Football Championships Euro 2012- where according to the original scheme it will be played among others: the opening match, some of the group matches, one quarter-final and one semi-final.

Towards the end of April 2007 the mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, made a decision about the conditions of building development and developing of land for the investment of building the National Stadium.

Capacity: 60 000
Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Cost: 400mln PLN
Build Time: ?-2010
Project: Kurylowicz & Associoates
In Project: Stadium with hotel base, expo, trade center and railway station.
Notices: Stadium will be arena of Euro 2012. 3 group matches (include opening match), one quarter final and half final.


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May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #2

    Baltic Arena in Gdańsk which has a capacity of 44 thousand seats will be built in the part of city called Letnica, in the place, where at present are allotments. Liquidation of allotments – according to declarations of city authorities is expected to last at the most till the middle of 2008. The cost of investment which according to scheme will be finished around 2010 is estimated at about 900 mln zlotys.

    There are expected to be played some group matches and one quarter final during the European Football Championships. Every day- apart from championships- Lechia Gdańsk is supposed to play matches in the stadium.

    Baltic Areas Stadium is regarded to be the most attractive project of the stadium among all objects which were offered by Poland and Ukraine for Euro 2012 matches. Our shape- especially in graphic symbols for night –resembles amber.

    Capacity: 40 000
    Sport Clubs: OSP Lechia Gdañsk
    Country: Poland
    City: Gdansk
    Cost: 671mln PLN
    Build Time: 2007/2008 - 2010
    In Project: Conference Centrum
    Notices: 3 group matches and one quarter final



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #3

    Olympic Stadium built in the interwar period is a stadium proposed by Wrocław in the official offer of Poland and Ukraine on Euro 2012.

    According to conception of stadium conversion it is expected to reach capacity over 40 thousand seats and is expected to be a part of sports center, with a swimming pool, a sports hall, a shooting range, tennis courts and also shop centres and gastronomic centres.

    Below you can see graphic symbols of Olympic Stadium after planned conversion.

    Organizers of the European championships make plans for playing some group matches in Warsaw.

    But after granted organization of championships to Poland and Ukraine authorities in Wrocław addressed building project of a new stadium for Euro 2012. This stadium would be located in Drzymaly Street in the part of city called Maslice. There are no projects of stadium so far, and possible realization of this conception depends on the possibility of obtaining by the city additional funds (a new stadium is estimated at over 100 mln EUR0).

    So an issue concerning the choice of stadiums in Wrocław where the European championships matches would be played stays unnegotiated.



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #4

    The Municipal Stadium in Poznan in Bulgarska Street was built and was put into use in 1980. Lech Poznan plays their matches on this stadium.

    Because of the European Football Championships the conversion of stadium is planned and this allows among others to enlarge its capacity almost twice (to 44 thousand seats). A car park for about 4000 parking spots and training field will be built. According to schemes of city authorities modernization is expected to finish in 2008. The cost of this investment is estimated at about 200 mln zlotys.

    During the European Football Championships some group matches are expected to be played.

    Below you can see graphic symbols of the Municipal Stadium in Poznan after finishing conversion.

    The object in Poznan is the most advanced, as regards workmanship, the stadium which is suggested on the basic list of the Polish stadiums which will play host to footballers during the European

    Capacity: 46 500
    Sport Clubs: KKS Lech Poznañ
    Country: Poland
    City: Poznan
    Cost: 152 mln PLN
    Build Time: 2004-2010
    Notices: 3 Group Matches



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #5

    Silesian Stadium in Chorzow is the largest existing sports stadium in Poland. From 1993 it functions as the national stadium for Polish football representation. The stadium is a part of Regional Centre of Culture and Sport in Chorzow, located near the border of Chorzow and Katowice.

    Present capacity of stadium is over 47 thousand seats, and planned modernization is expected to led to increase this number to about 60 thousand seats. The conversion should be finished around 2010. Additionally, stadium stand are expected to be roofed over. The cost of this investment is estimated at about 90 mln zlotys.

    Silesian Stadium in Chorzow was proposed as a substitute stadium in the official offer of Poland and Ukraine to organize the European Football Championships. However, in case of granting UEFA permission to increase the number of cities which participate in championships form 8 to 10 (what is likely – that what happened among others in the last championships in Portugal) stadium in Chorzow will be certainly one of the championships centres.



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #6

    Stadium Vistula Cracow in Reymont Street was built in the 50s, is at present (from 2004) under conversion. Modernization which is in progress has to increase capacity of stadium almost twice- from the existing 20 thousand seats to about 35 thousand. Not only the enlargement of stand is planned including stand addition in the corners but also building a two level main stand, as well as their complete roofing. The conversion should be finished around 2010.

    Stadium Vistula in Cracow was proposed as a substitute stadium in the official offer of Poland and Ukraine to organize the European Football Championships. However, in case of granting UEFA permission to increase the number of cities which participate in championships form 8 to 10 (what is likely – that what happened among others in the last championships in Portugal) stadium in Cracow will be certainly one of the championships centres.

    Below you can see graphic symbols of Stadium Vistula after finishing conversion.

    Capacity: 35 000
    Sport Clubs:nWisla
    Country: Poland
    City: Cracow
    Build Time: 2004-2010
    Adress: Reymonta 22, Cracow
    Notices: Stadium is reserve object for Euro 2012



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #7


    Ukraine Stadium in Lvov is a new object which will be built specially for Euro 2012. At present design works are in the final phase, and according to plan its building is expected to be finished in 2009.

    This modern stadium is expected to be the main element of a large shopping-show centre. A capacity of stand is estimated at over 30 thousand seats.

    During the European Football Championships in the stadium in Lvov- according to official offer of Poland and Ukraine- some group matches are expected to be played.



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #8

    Olympic Stadium in Kiev was built in the 1920s. The last major modernization was finished in 1999, for the European Football Championships another conversion of stadium is planned. A capacity of stand is estimated at about 80 thousand seats. The stadium should gain the final shape around 2010.

    During Euro 2012 in the stadium in Kiev some group matches, one quarter-final and the final are expected to be played. However, there is still the possibility of changing with Warsaw ( in the capital of Ukraine could take place the opening match, and in Warsaw the football world championships)

    Capacity: 83 053
    Sport Clubs: Arsenal, Dynamo
    Country: Ukraine
    City: Kiev
    Build Time: ? - 2011
    Notices: Main arena in Euro 2012. 3 Group Matches, Quarter Final and Final



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #9

    Dnipropetrovsk- the financial centre of Ukraine- will welcome footballers and football fans during Euro 2012 in a new built Dnipro Stadium. At present in progress are works on realization of a building project of stadium, and according to plan its building is expected to be finished in 2008.

    The stadium is expected to hold in the stand over 31 thousand people. During the European Football Championships- according to official offer of Poland and Ukraine some group matches are expected to be played in Dnipropetrovsk.

    Capacity: 31 000
    Sport Clubs: FC Dnipro
    Country: Ukraine
    City: Dnipropetrovsk
    Cost: 25mln $
    Build Time: 09.2004-02.2007
    Notices: 3 Group Matches



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #10

    Central Stadium in Odessa was built in the 1930s. Ukrainian football club called Czernomorec Odessa every day plays its matches in this stadium.

    At present stadium undergoes modernization. A capacity of stand is estimated at about 34 thousand seats. Modernization should be finished around 2010.

    In official offer of Poland and Ukraine to organize the European Football Championships in 2012, Odessa was proposed as substitute city. It will be considered in championships programme, if one of the cities won’t manage to bring own stadium to planned level or in case of broading by UEFA number of cities where championship Euro 2012 can be played.



    May 27, 2007
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  • Thread Starter #11
    Extra information about the stadiums and new pictures will be placed eventually. There aren't many good ones available just now.

    Looks nice, can't wait :p

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