juve will move from torino to the south ? (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2006
this news say juve myabe will move south

i think more fans will start to come if the move south

i wish they can move to abu dhabi if they do i will always go

what you think

please discuss


The comment of the day (Light-Milan) : A traveling Juve, because no? An our user throws there a perhaps bizarre idea but charming, above all for the fans of the Juventus that live distant from Turin. You, juventini and not, thing thought of it? News: Cobolli Lilies: from fan I hope still in the TO (The Printing)

User: Light - Address: Milan - Given: 01/08/2006 15:44:57

Checked that the Juve has an enormous property of fans, immense and quite distributed on the territory, above all to the south and checked that a historical cycle (the last 60 years about) now has closed with the first demotion in B with consequent and inevitable financial crash and of image (the brand Juve supported the alone fall in Italy), checked that the project stadium is set (definitive?) is not Of to take in serious consideration the idea of a migration, even if to the south? You think about a Juve in Basilicata and to the always full stadiums, think about the proceeds that the society would draw of it and the people in the affection. A Juve of everything, ready to turn italy like the National one to find its people... Cobolli Lilies talked about a project liking to find the juventinismo (I state first that I is not a fan, the alone word shivers me) well then this would be able to be an idea. I would want to know your opinion, thing thought of it?


Il commento del giorno (Luca-Milano): Una Juve itinerante, perchè no?

Un nostro utente butta lì un'idea forse bizzarra ma affascinante, soprattutto per i tifosi della Juventus che vivono lontano da Torino. Voi, juventini e non, cosa ne pensate?

News: Cobolli Gigli: da tifoso spero ancora nella A (La Stampa)

User: Luca - Address: Milano - Date: 01/08/2006 15:44:57

Appurato che la Juve ha un patrimonio di tifosi enorme,vastissimo e ben distribuito sul territorio,soprattutto al sud e appurato che un ciclo storico (gli ultimi 60 anni circa) si è ormai chiuso con la prima retrocessione in B con conseguente e inevitabile tracollo finanziario e di immagine (il marchio Juve ha retto la caduta solo in Italia),appurato che il progetto stadio è tramontato (definitivamente?) non è secondo voi arrivato il momento di prendere in seria considerazione l'idea di una migrazione, magari al sud? Pensate a una Juve in Basilicata e agli stadi sempre pieni, pensate al ricavato che ne trarrebbe la società e la gente nell'affetto. Una Juve di tutti, pronta a girare l'Italia come la Nazionale per ritrovare la sua gente... Cobolli Gigli ha parlato di un progetto simpatia per ritrovare lo juventinismo (premetto che non sono un tifoso, la sola parola mi rabbrividisce) ebbene questa potrebbe essere un'idea. Vorrei sapere il vostro parere, cosa ne pensate?

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Senior Member
Apr 9, 2006
well ... juve's fans in the siuth of italy are much more than these if toreno .
not to offend toreno people but lets face it .. its an industrial city with much of the labour in it living outside toreno which mean that they wont be there for the week end. plus juve is considered the second team of the city.

moving from toreno will mean starting over wuth new stadium and facilities as well as the new team we are rebuilding. so the only thing remained from juve will be the name of the club.

and its not a rumor.. alot of people were sugesting it long time ago and this is one more individual opinion nothing more

- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
I think its not a story about a move for Juventus, rather a rotating home game, meaning they play their home games in many different stadiums...That would be the better idea IMO.

Besides, Juventus have paid for the Delle Alpi ownership for about 100 years now..I doubt we would move out..


Senior Member
May 11, 2005
This rumour has been going around for years and nothing has happened, it is true there are a lot of Juve fans in the south, but as vOnAm said we have paid for the Delle Alpi for the next 99years


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
although it would be unusual but i would want something like that to happen.Although i dont think we could do that as we have an agreement for the Delli Alpi with the council or something.

I would support the decision but it would be hard and unusual to move the team.


Sep 23, 2003
Shyne said:
stupid rumour which has been circulating for years.
Is it time to change the batteries in my smoke detectors again? Well golly, yes. The Juve-moving-south rumors are out again, so it must be.

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